PRP Treatment

At SITENAME, we believe in using treatments that support whole-body healing and health. As such, we offer platelet rich plasma, or PRP treatments, for our oral surgery patients.

Not only does PRP relieve pain for patients during the recovery process, it also accelerates your path to total recovery by fostering tissue and bone growth. We are proud to offer this innovative treatment in dentistry to the patients of Columbus.

What is PRP Treatment?

PRP is very common for surgeries of all kinds, and use of this treatment dates back to the 1990s. Recently, PRP has become a popular solution in the field of oral surgery and dental treatment because of its speed, strength and safety.

Platelet-rich plasma is a highly concentrated form of plasma, or the part of blood that allows both white and red blood cells to move. The platelets in plasma are fundamental for helping blood clot, which is necessary for healing.

Your own blood is used to develop PRP, which is then re-injected back into your bloodstream. Thanks to the high level of platelets in the injection, healing will be stimulated much quicker around the impacted area. 

The entire process to get a PRP injection is simple and efficient, and is based on your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

What Happens During a PRP Treatment?

PRP treatments use the blood of patients, which makes preparing an injection a relatively easy process. To start, will draw blood from you for the injection. Our team will then place your blood sample in a special PRP machine for preparation.

Once inside the machine, your blood will spin very quickly, which causes the platelets to condense into a concentrated form. Once the blood is ready for injection, the platelets should be three to five times stronger than normal platelets in your blood.

These enhanced platelets will help create differentiated cells that go to the area of your body where healing is needed. The differentiated cells cause your body to regenerate and rebuild both bone and tissue quickly.

We can prepare your PRP injection right in our office while you are in surgery, without having to send your sample to a partner hospital or bloodbank. Along with saving you time, this cuts down on costs and saves you money, too.

When is PRP Treatment Used in Dental Treatments?

Because of its healing properties and time-saving measures, PRP injections are an excellent option for patients who’ve recently had a major tooth extraction or undergone dental implant surgery. At SITENAME, we see that patients who’ve chosen PRP treatments heal faster than those who don’t.

Thanks to the quick healing PRP promotes, the injection can help reduce your pain and discomfort following a surgical procedure. This is especially helpful for older patients, who usually have a slower healing period than younger patients.

If you received oral surgery like a bone graft to prepare your mouth for another treatment, like dental implants or dentures, PRP treatment can help expedite the process by giving you a shorter waiting period for healing.

Before you receive a PRP treatment, make sure to talk with your primary care provider to see if you have any underlying conditions or disorders that would affect the efficacy of treatment or harm your body.

Looking for PRP Services in Dublin and the Surrounding Columbus?

At SITENAME, our expert team specializes in oral surgery solutions that maintain both your mouth and overall health. Call our office at (614) 444-5555 to discuss all of the services we offer to promote healing, oral wellness and restorative treatment.

Request an Appointment

Our team is here to provide personalized, kind, expert dental care to help you regain total oral health. It is our pleasure to call you a patient. If you require dental treatment, contact us today to request a consultation.

Our Location

Conveniently Located in Dublin

(614) 444-5555

5175 Whiteboard Way
Dublin, OH 43017

Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

Meet Our Doctor

Dr. John Doe

is a friendly and dedicated dentist based in Dublin.

Special Offers

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Free Teeth Whitening

New Patients Only

Associations and Memberships

We're proud to be affiliated with the following organizations:

American Board Of Oral Implantology Black
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